It's not your ability, it's your availability!
It's not your ability, it's your availability.
I was encouraged when I first heard my Pastor share those words.
God uses ordinary people. Just look in the Bible. Moses was "slow of speech,"Jonah was a chicken, David was a small boy with a rock, Rahab was a prostitute, the list is endless.
God uses real people with real lives and real problems to make a real difference in His kingdom. Not because of anything of themselves, but because of the awesome God within them! Just maybe, he could use you or me.
We are told to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel." That Word from Jesus was not just for professional Pastors or teachers, we are ALL called to the "Great Commission."
Yes, Jesus said, "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." Taking a stand for Christ and sharing our faith is a Christian duty, but it can be pretty scary at first.
The hardest part for me has always been just stretching my comfort zone and mentioning the Lord. Once you do that , the Holy Spirit takes over. It is exhilarating to see what God will do. Just be faithful to "give and answer for the hope that is within you" the Apostle Peter reminds us.
Airports are a great place to witness.
There are so many different people coming and going.
While hurrying to security and not much time between flights, I walked past a kindly old gent who reached out to offer me "something to read on the plane?"
I saw it was a "Watchtower" magazine. I looked up at him, smiled and said "Jesus is Lord!"
He replied, "Yes he is," then as I walked along, slightly puzzled,I thought, wait a minute, so I said back to him,"Jesus is God."
He yelled down the hall, "No he isn't."
I yelled back over my shoulder "Yes He is.........You'll find out!"Amen!
On a recent trip to NJ, I had a few hours layover at the Newark airport. I had an opportunity to connect with all different folks. Just standing near the departure area of my own gate I was able to give away lots of Gospel tracts. "Hey did you get one of these?" Works great.
There was Lucy, a 17 year old from England on a school trip here in the USA to see some Broadway shows. She had never heard the Gospel. I sat next to her, I asked her what she thought happens after you die and got some fascinating answers which lead to a great spiritual conversation and a chance to share. I gave her a tract to take with her.
Then there was R.P., a beautiful intelligent young women born in India that just got her doctorate. She had never read a Bible or heard the Gospel. She was very open. I was able to give her a Gospel of John to read on her long flight to visit her family there.
Or Brian the P.K. (that's Pastors kid) from the Bahamas that said he just flew in from Japan but he had an hour between flights and would I like to sit down and talk about this. He had issues with the wealth of his pastor and problems with the building funds he tithes etc, at his church. I reminded him to be a good Berean and check everything and everyone against God's word to see if its true. Remember the church is not a building, it is the body of Christ. Don't put your trust in princes. Jesus will never let you down!
Who could forget the vicious atheist and his wife that denied a thief or murderer should go to jail as they tried to justify every one of the ten commandment as "situational"? They finally walked away and into the pub, foaming at the mouth. I thanked them for their time and said "God bless you."
Last but not least, my favorite has to be the two young men from France heading to Mardi Gras. After going through the ten commandments and learning that Christ died for them, etc.... let's just say I think I ruined their party. Or at least hope I did.
May they all come to the saving knowledge of Jesus as Lord!
So brother and sister in Christ, please remember it's not your ability, it's your availability!
Share your faith, speak up, drop a line... the fishing is fine. :)
We are just seed sowers casting the seed of the Good News. Only God knows the soil of a mans' heart, be it rocky or well tilled and ready to bring forth fruit. He will draw them, we are just required to be faithful.
May God richly bless you!